1. Dress everyday like it’s a style post
Up to this point, I really have thought about my style choices as alright, especially compared to other bloggers (see #2). Because of that, I tended to dress okay in real life and put my absolute best outfit forward for style posts on the blog. There are so many reasons I need to change that mindset. For one, I want to start posting more style posts for you guys, so I need to be ready any day. Also, fake it ’til you make it. I love my style, and I need to start loving it more until I can pop on anything and be certain I look good. If that means dressing up, so be it.
2. Stop comparing myself to other bloggers
Comparison kills. It’s true. It’s super important to me this year to make sure everything I do is for the benefit of my blog and myself, rather than to “amount” to other bloggers. Sometimes I get lost in trying to jump from the bottom step of the ladder to the top, and I’m simply just not there yet. I need to focus on making my blog better so eventually I can climb up there.
3. Invest in classic pieces, not “must-haves”
Here’s the truth: classic, well-made pieces last longer. And even though I may want that $4 shirt from Forever 21… well, it probably will only last as many days as dollars. If I focus on building my wardrobe with the right foundation, the house built on top of it will be sound #closetanalogy.
Are you planning on making style resolutions this year? What’s on your list?